No amount of income or wealth is too small or too large for our tax planning services. Our tax plan will save you hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars year after year. You only pay once and reap the rewards of your tax savings in years to come.

We will review and analyze your most recent tax returns. We will review all possible ways to reduce your tax liability including reducing your taxable income, claiming/increasing deductions, claiming/increasing tax credits, or lowering/eliminating taxes. You will be asked to provide us with possible future financial or family events that could change your tax liability including other sources of income, increase/decrease in future wages, marriage, and having children to name a few. Our analysis of your prior year tax returns combined with your future financial events will be used to determine your tax returns for the next 3 years.

Your tax returns will be broken down by line item with an explanation of each item. We will go through various scenarios for each tax year to show you the end result if you were to make certain changes. You will have a clear tax plan you can use over the next 3 years so you can plan ahead and not be surprised at the end of the year when you file your taxes.

How Does it Work?

We will request copies of your tax return for the past two years. If you don't have a copy, don't worry. We can obtain that information for you from the IRS, with your permission of course! We will ask you to fill out a questionnaire regarding possible future financial events that could alter your future tax liability in the next five years. We will take all of that information and show you what your next 3 years will look like for tax purposes. We will advise you of certain steps you can take to minimize your taxes and how that could affect you financially. We will give you various scenarios and some choices as to how you want to tackle your taxes over the next few years. We will give you all the necessary information so that you can make an informed decision as to what is best for you and your family.